Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pepsi Refresh Project

On Tuesday at 12am, I will be attempting to put us in the running for a $250,000 grant from Pepsi. It is a hard contest to get into, as they only accept 1000 submissions (and they all have the same idea that we do regarding logging on at midnight!).

If we were to gain entrance into the Refresh Project website, and further, if we were chosen, we could open up Safe Place and run for possibly two years. This would be huge! While we have faith that money will come our way, it would be incredible to know that we have $250,000 to use for helping our community's foster children.

Once we submit our idea, people will log into Pepsi's website and vote on ones they think deserve the money. This is where you lovely people come in. I will be posting instructions here on the blog as well as on our Facebook page telling you how to vote and where to find us on the site. We could use your help voting and spreading the word to other friends and family you have that may be interested in voting for us!

While this grant would be amazing, we know that there is always the possibility that we will not receive it, as there are many other nonprofits out there doing fantastic work. As I mentioned before, if we don't win the Pepsi Refresh Project, we have faith that other funding will come our way! Please be praying for us as we continue on this journey, and keep looking for updates on how to vote. Thank you for your support! Hand-in-Hand would not be here if it wasn't for our fabulous support system!


Thursday, May 27, 2010


Welcome to the Hand-in-Hand Ministries blog! Follow us for important updates to our emergency housing facility for incoming foster children (Safe Place) that we plan to open on October 1, 2010. Also to be posted are interesting articles regarding today's foster system, inspiring stories from community partners, and work that this Ministry hopes to accomplish.

"Like" us on Facebook too!
